Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Welcome to Everyday Gourmet!

I started this blog as a way to share what’s going on in my kitchen in the hopes that other people can benefit from my ‘kitchen experimentation’, and hopefully find little ways to help make your everyday lives a little more gourmet as well!  The idea behind Everyday Gourmet is something I’ve been putting into practice for a while: small touches and details that make the food we eat more enjoyable, flavorful, fun, and well, gourmet!  It’s not only about what we’re eating but how it’s presented.  We all deserve to have a gourmet experience every time we sit down for a meal, whether it’s a quick snack for ourselves or dinner party for friends and family.
Most of the food I make is ‘semi-homemade’ as Sandra Lee on the Food Network would call it (part store bought ingredients, part fresh produce with a touch of creative license thrown in on my part).  I also love to make recipes from cookbooks and magazines, and customize them after trying them out to make them a little more my own (I’ll reference any recipes I use so there won’t be any confusion as to what’s original and what’s published).  There are some ingredients I use that are store brand as well – I shop at places close to my home – so hopefully it won’t be difficult to duplicate (if you so wish) for those of you in other areas!
My goals are to try make the most of my meals while trying to stick to my grocery budget, which I know can be challenging sometimes (trust me, building your spice rack is expensive!)  I also try to keep things as healthy as possible – with the occasional indulgence thrown in – so I’ll try to post rough nutritional information for my fellow calorie trackers out there.
Everyone’s lifestyles and needs are different, and I hope that anyone reading this can find useful tips and takeaways to help jazz up your own eating routine.  “Life is too short to eat bad food” as my dad always says, and since we have to fuel our bodies we might as well put the good stuff in them.  We deserve it!
I hope you enjoy my blog!  Check in for updates, share your thoughts and don’t forget to…
Live Life Deliciously!

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